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Nourishing Self-Care in 10 Minutes: A Holistic Bedtime Routine for Better Sleep

Finding time for self-care and relaxation can be challenging in our busy lives. However, dedicating just 10 minutes before bed to a calming routine can significantly impact your well-being. By incorporating meditation, gentle stretching, and gratitude journaling into a bedtime routine, you can improve sleep hygiene and experience the numerous benefits of a good night's sleep.

Below we will discuss sleep hygiene, its benefits, how to create a simple yet effective bedtime routine for better mood, cognitive function, and overall health, and how to turn it into a lasting habit using principles from James Clear's "Atomic Habits."

What is Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to the habits and practices that promote restful, quality sleep. By following sound sleep hygiene principles, you can create an environment conducive to sleep and establish a routine that signals to your body and mind that it's time to unwind and rest.

Good sleep hygiene includes:

  • Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.

  • Creating a comfortable sleep environment.

  • Engaging in relaxing activities before bed.

The Benefits of Good Sleep Hygiene Incorporating a sleep routine has numerous benefits for your overall well-being:

  • Improved mood: Consistent, quality sleep can lead to better emotional regulation and a more positive outlook.

  • Enhanced cognitive function: A good night's sleep can improve memory, focus, and decision-making abilities.

  • Increased productivity: Adequate rest helps you stay alert and engaged throughout the day, allowing for greater efficiency.

  • Strengthened immune system: Sleep supports immune function, helping your body to fight off infections and maintain overall health.

Step 1: Set the Stage with Low Lighting.

Begin by creating a calming atmosphere in your bedroom by reducing the lighting. Soft, low lighting not only helps signal to your brain that it's time to wind down but also minimizes exposure to blue light, which can interfere with melatonin production and disrupt sleep. Consider using dimmable lamps or candles to create a warm and inviting environment.

Step 2: Turn Off Electronics

Removing electronic distractions from your sleep environment is essential for promoting restorative sleep. Electronic devices emit blue light, which suppresses melatonin production, disrupting sleep patterns. Additionally, notifications and messages can keep our minds alert, making it difficult to relax. If you wanted to go further by turning off devices at least 30 minutes before bedtime, you will allow your brain to transition from wakefulness to relaxation, enabling you to engage in calming activities like reading, deep breathing, or journaling. A sleep environment free from electronic distractions helps establish a healthier sleep routine, leading to more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Step 3: Write in a Gratitude Journal for 2 Minutes.

Keep a gratitude journal by your bedside and spend two minutes each night reflecting on the positive aspects of your day. Write down three things you are grateful for and express appreciation for the experiences and people who brought joy to your day.

This practice helps you shift your focus away from stress and negativity, allowing you to enter a more relaxed state of mind.

Step 4: Engage in 4-Minute Gentle Stretching.

Spend the next 4 minutes engaging in gentle stretching exercises to relax your muscles and release tension.

Focus on areas that tend to hold tension, such as your neck, shoulders, and lower back. As you stretch, maintain a focus on your breath and allow your body to relax further. These simple stretches not only help to alleviate physical tension but also contribute to mental relaxation.

Step 5: Practice a 3-Minute Guided Meditation.

Find a comfortable seated position on your bed or a cushion on the floor. Set a timer for 3 minutes and close your eyes. Then, follow a guided meditation designed for relaxation, focusing on your breath and releasing any tension in your body. This brief meditation will help quiet your mind and activate the relaxation response, preparing you for sleep. My favourite meditation app is Insight Timer

Let's take this a step further.

You could employ the habit principles from James Clear's book Atomic Habits.

James provides practical and actionable advice on creating and maintaining good habits.

By applying his principles, you can establish and solidify your bedtime routine as a habit:

  • Make it Obvious: Set a specific time for your bedtime routine each night and set an alarm as a reminder. This will create a clear cue that signals it's time to start your routine.

  • Make it Attractive: Associate your bedtime routine with positive feelings and rewards. For example, treat yourself to a cup of calming herbal tea, a cosy blanket, or a few drops of your favourite essential oil as part of your routine.

  • Make it Easy: Keep everything you need for your bedtime routine readily accessible. This includes having your gratitude journal and pen on your bedside table, a comfortable spot for stretching, and a meditation app or playlist prepared on your phone.

  • Make it Satisfying: Track your progress by marking off each night you successfully complete your bedtime routine on a calendar. This visual representation of your consistency will provide a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to continue.

By incorporating these principles, you can successfully establish your 10-minute bedtime routine as a lasting habit, leading to improved sleep and overall well-being.

If you haven't already read Atomic Habits here is a link to his book.

So now you know a consistent and holistic bedtime routine can greatly enhance your sleep quality and overall well-being. By dedicating just 10 minutes each night to self-care activities such as gratitude journaling, gentle stretching, and meditation, you can create a lasting habit that will promote better mood, cognitive function, and health. By incorporating the principles, you can ensure your bedtime routine becomes an integral part of your daily life, leading to improved sleep and a more balanced, fulfilling lifestyle.

Give yourself the gift of a nourishing bedtime routine and experience the transformative power of restful sleep.

Please note that none of the links shared in this blog are affiliated links. They are simply resources I've found helpful and thought you might, too.

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